March 17th. The puppies are 6 1/2 weeks old.
March 7th.. The pups turned 5 weeks old
January 31st. Litter B was born, 9 puppies.
On January 31st 2018 9 beautiful puppies was born, 4 bitches and 5 males.
Mother: Jolee Of Trebons Berger Blanc, breed winner DKK 2015/16/17, Copenhagen Winner 2015-16, International and Danish Champion. Traffic Test.
Father: Fudge Of Trebons Berger Blanc, Multi/International Champion and therapy dog. Both parents are mentally-described, HD / AD free and MDR1 / DM free. They are White Swiss Shepherd dogs with many generations behind them and therefore could achieve their International Champion titles. In their lines there are countless Champions and Fudge's father is double world winner. Why all the talk about exhibition titles if you just want a family dog? Because the exhibition gives an assessment of how close the dog is to the standard of temperament movement and appearance. Breeding animals are then selected and the best guarantee for your next dog is close to the FCI 347 breed standard and provides the most value for money.
The puppies are living in the house with the family, our other White Swiss Shepherd dogs and a cat. They will be exposed to what happens in everyday life, different sounds, walking on a leash, transportation in car, small commands, etc. In their 7th week of life, they are tested by DKK's mental describer and puppy tester to help find the right puppy for your family. The puppy comes with: DKK pedigree-plus, purchase contract and puppy test, chip and registration in dog register, worm cure, vaccinated, health book, bag of puppy food, carpet that smells of mother and siblings, advice and guidance when the puppy has moved. The puppies are ready to move March 29. We expect a lot from this litter, both parents have previously had puppies. They are all super family dogs, easy to train and some performs well in the show ring. In case of interest you are welcome to visit starting when the puppies are 4 weeks old. Call or write for puppy talk or advance reservation
D. 31/1-2018 kom 9 skønne hvalpe til verden, 4 tæver og 5 hanner.
Mor: Jolee Of Trebons Berger Blanc, racevinder DKK 2015/16/17, KBHV 2015-16, International og Dansk Champion. Færdselsprøve.
Far: Fudge Of Trebons Berger Blanc, Multi/International Champion. Besøgshund.
Begge forældre er mentalbeskrevet, HD/AD fri samt MDR1/DM fri. De er Hvid Schweizisk hyrdehunde med mange generationer bag sig og derfor kunne opnå deres
International Champion titler. I deres linjer findes utallige Champions og Fudge’s far er dobbelt verdensvinder.
Hvorfor så al den snak om udstillingstitler, hvis man bare vil have en familie hund? Fordi udstilling giver bedømmelse for hvor tæt hunden ligger på
standarden mht. temperament bevægelse og udseende. Avlsdyr udvælges herefter og er bedste garanti for jeres kommende hund ligger tæt op ad racestandarden FCI 347 og giver mest værdi for
Hvalpene vokser op i huset med familien, vores andre Hvide Schweiziske Hyrdehunde samt kat. De vil blev udsat for hvad der sker i dagligdagen, forskellige lyde, gå i snor, kører bil, små kommandoer m.m. I deres 7. leveuge bliver de testet af DKK’s mentalbeskriver/hvalpetester som hjælp til at finde rette hvalp til jeres familie.
Med hvalpen følger:
DKK Stambog-Plus, købekontrakt samt hvalpetest, chippet og registrering i hunderegister, ormekur, vaccineret, sundhedsbog, foder til den første tid, tæppe der
dufter af mor og søskende, råd og vejledning når hvalpen er flyttet. Hvalpene er klar til at flytte 29/3.
Vi forventer os rigtig meget af kuldet, begge forældre har tidligere fået hvalpe. De er alle super familie hunde, nemme at træne og flere klarer sig godt i udstillinger.
Ved interesse modtager vi gerne besøg fra hvalpene er 4 uger gamle. Ring eller skriv for hvalpesnak eller forhåndsreservation.
Feb 14th 2018. Pups are 14 days old
DKCH Jolee Of Trebons Berger Blanc
MCH Fudge of Trebons Berger Blanc